Welcome to Sandy Hook Elementary School!
Sandy Hook Elementary School

162 Stickley Loop Strasburg, Virginia 22657

About Us

The Mission of Sandy Hook Elementary School is to prepare each student for the future and for life-long learning.

We envision Sandy Hook Elementary as part of the larger community where all members of the learning communities will collaborate to provide quality educational programs which will enable all students to make continuous progress.

Great communities come from great schools; therefore, we believe.....

-All decisions are based on the best interest of our students. -Meaningful learning occurs only in the presence of meaningful relationships. -Measures of success are unique and individualized for each learner. -Continuous growth and improvement is expected for everyone. -Problem-solving is an essential skill. -An atmosphere of respect must exist. -The education of children is an investment of time, labor, and resources in our future.

ADA Compliance

This website is in the process of being updated to ensure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Any website accessibility concerns may be brought to the attention of Timothy Taylor, Instructional Technology Supervisor, at tftaylor@shenandoah.k12.va.us.

Medicaid Re-enrollment and Renewal

If you have Medicaid/FAMIS/CHIP health insurance, make sure your current mailing address, email, and phone numbers are up to date so that important information about your coverage gets to you. Visit the Cover Virginia website for more information or call 1-855-242-8282 to update your contact information today.

Shenandoah County Library Account
Shenandoah County Logo

SCPS is offering an online Shenandoah County Library account for students if permission is granted by their parent/guardian. See what resources are available by clicking here.

Forms are due by Monday, September 30. Fill out the form for your student by clicking here.